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Incident Code Maintenance

Module: Incident Management

Purpose: To create or modify dropdown list selections for the Incident Module.

To Access: Incident Management - Code Maintenance.

The selections on the dropdown lists in the Incident Management module (Incidents and Issues) are user created, except for the incident categories Breach, Complaint and WHS. These three categories are built-in to GuardianERM by default.

To create or modify the selections, the user must have "Incident Management" authority.

Click the link where you want to create or modify selections.  A list of selections (if any) will be displayed.

Click the Add New Item button to create a new selection.

Click the Edit or Delete link for an item to modify or delete.  An item that has been used in any incident cannot be deleted. By updating the active status and pressing Update, a selection can be hidden even if it has been used in the past.

Note:  If an item has been used in an Incident or Issue, the item cannot be modified or deleted.

When a new Incident Category has been added, custom consequences can also be implemented for that specific Category. This is done through the System Parameters in the Admin Module. To setup custom consequences please contact Guardian Support for guidance.

If you would like to use the Express Incident Registration form as the default new incident registration form instead of the full Incident Registration form for all users, tick the Use Express Incident Registration Form box. If the box is not ticked, the system will default to the full Incident Registration screen.

Incident Cause Types

This option allows you to create incident cause types, that can be optionally filtered by the selected incident category when an incident is being created/edited. When an incident is entered, and a primary category is selected, the list of possible cause types will be filtered to show only the causes that have been assigned to the selected category. If no causes have been assigned to the category then ALL causes are displayed.

To restrict modifications to certain fields or functions, use the Restricted Fields link. Contact GuardianERM Support to obtain the proper field or function names.

Certain compulsory fields can be made not compulsory by un-ticking the field names using the Compulsory Fields configuration function.

Certain data fields can be disabled by ticking the field names using the Disabled Fields configuration function. Disabled fields are not shown on the Incident Details screen.