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Perform Process Review

Module: Audit & Compliance.

Purpose: To record results of a process review.

To Access: Audit & Compliance - Perform Process Review.

Note: To use this function, your security profile must include Auditor or Audit Sign-Off at the company level (top level).  Please contact your administrator for further information.

To perform a Process Review, you must have a Process Review checklist or template prepared first.

  1. Select Perform Review under Process Review on the Main Menu or the dropdown menu.
  2. Select a previously prepared Process Review Template from the list by clicking the Select link in front of the review.
  3. Enter a review program name, for example NSW Workshop Safety Audit 2010 as below and click the New Review Program button.

The Review Program will be displayed.  You can now see the header references and questions.

Assuming we are doing a safety review for 5 out of the 35 workshops in NSW, that is, we have a sample of 5 workshops to use the checklist on.

  1. Enter a Sample Reference.  In our example, say, Bankstown.
  2. Complete the header references.

  1. Answer the question with comments where appropriate.  if you select an answer configured with the Force Comment option, then the system will prompt you to enter a comment when you save the answers.
  2. Click Save to save the data.  You will notice the sample reference Bankstown is now on the Sample Reference List.  When more samples are added, the new samples will be added to the list as well.

  1. To create another sample, say the Liverpool workshop, click the New Sample button at the top and complete the form as the previous example.

You may view the overall result of the review by clicking Summary on the Sample Reference List.

You may view the results by Sample Reference or By Question.  Click the corresponding links at the top of the score card.

In the By Question view, you can click on a number on the scorecard to view the samples making up the result and any comments made on the questions:

You may also complete the Review Notes and Review Report items.

Once all questions are completed, the Process Review Program can be finalised by clicking the Finalise button.  A finalised program cannot be modified in any way.

To open a previously prepared Process Review Program, select Perform Review under Process Review on the Main Menu or dropdown menu.

Select a Process Review template on the top list.  Tick the Status filter boxes to included programs in the various stages of completion and select a review program from the bottom list.  Click the Open button to open the selected Process Review Program.  Note: a finalised process review program cannot be modified.

You can display all Process Review programs regardless of which checklist was used by clicking the Show All Review Program button at the top.